Friday, March 6, 2009

Going After Bush and Cheney

There are calls for investigations of former President Bush and Vice-President Cheney, especially now that they are out of office and out of power. Charges of abuse of presidential authority and improprieties over the last eight years in office are rising. I thought I would surely add my voice to the chorus, but like President Obama has suggested… perhaps it is time to look forward not back.

God only knows I spent a lot of my THOUGHTS on blasting Bush/Cheney & Co. over the last eight years. Bush & Co. have created one hell of a mess for this country to clean up. They have destroyed America’s credibility, our good name and our trust around the world. They were on the road to tossing our constitutional rights and civil liberties and replacing them with fear and secret agendas all disguised as keeping us safe from “evil-doer’s.” Now, it looks like the Bush legacy will be the biggest economic crash since the Great Depression. No, I’m no fan of George W. Bush or Dick Cheney, but there comes a time to move on. We have too much to do to become distracted by a national investigation and a trial a-la Watergate and Richard Nixon. Becoming embroiled in a national tribunal would only fuel the flames of partisanship at a time when we need the country to pull together, find solutions and heal our differences.

In the words of President Gerald Ford, when Nixon resigned the Presidency, “Our National nightmare is over.” I am content to let history write the last word on George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and their cohorts. America is better than what they made us over these last eight years. We now have a window of opportunity with President Obama to remake our country for the better. We have a chance for a fresh start. Will we take it or will we fall back into the same old partisan politics that brought this once great country to its knees leaving us gridlocked when it comes to ideas and solutions?

It won’t be easy. Liberals and Conservatives do not trust one another. The old ideas of “Tax and Spend” and “Trickle-down Economics” have been tried, argued and debated enough, already. It is time for a new approach, a bipartisan approach, a progressive approach. We need cooperation and respect on both sides of the aisle. The future of America hangs in the balance.


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