Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Greetings from the RNC

The other day I got a letter from Randy Pullen, the Treasurer for the RNC (Republican National Committee), and he said he didn’t want to “believe that I had abandoned the Republican Party.” He went on to say that “our records show we have not received your 2009 Republican National Committee membership renewal contribution.” The letter was very official looking with the “Republican National Committee” emblazoned at the top and an “RNC Membership Confirmation” section at the bottom below the instructions to: Detach Here. The Membership Confirmation began with: “Dear Randy, you can count on me.”

For a moment, I almost thought I had been transported back in time. Why yes, I believe I did vote for Richard Nixon in the 70’s and Ronald Reagan in the 80’s. In fact, I think I even voted for George Bush (the father, not the son) the first time he ran for office. Yes, I guess you could say I was a Republican at that time in my life and I marveled at Mr. Pullen’s memory.

I was further amazed (and flattered) when Mr. Pullen, Randy, went on to say that the Party’s success depended on “grassroots supporters” (he underlined that part) like me. It seems that the only thing standing in the way of “Obama/Pelosi/Reid Democrats” was me…and the RNC. Randy and the RNC were counting on my generous support as a “grassroots leader” (wow, I got upgraded from a supporter to a leader) to grow and strengthen the Party for the critical 2009-2010 elections.

Finally, Randy ended his impassioned letter with a P.S. “The RNC needs the support of every Republican grassroots activist (now I’m an activist?) to meet the challenges that lie ahead.” I sat for a moment and re-read the letter. Yes, my name and the correct address were on the letter. It was no mistake. Randy and the RNC were asking me for help. They were asking me for money to help further the Republican cause. For a whole nanosecond I was deeply conflicted. How could I tell this man, this Treasurer of the RNC, that I actually voted for the very man who ended 8 long years of George Bush (the son, not the father)?

I decided to sit down and write that nice young man a letter. I would try to break the news gently. Perhaps I would not even mention that I voted for Bill Clinton…twice. It might be too much for Randy. I mean his letter sounded so desperate at the end. He considered me a “grassroots” supporter, a leader and even an activist for God’s sake. How could I crush his hopes and dreams like a paper cup? Finally, I thought I might offer one last bit of advice…update your computer database?


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