Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Politics of Fear

Congress has adjourned for its summer break. Their work on healthcare reform was left on hold while they go back to their states and districts to hold town hall meetings and get the pulse of the nation on their efforts. To their surprise, many of our Washington politicians have been met with organized groups who disrupt their meetings with shouts, pushing and shoving and name calling. They scream about Obama’s “Death Panel” and chant, “Just say NO!” For those of us who were hoping to get real healthcare reform passed by Congress it has been a disappointing turn of events.

Thanks to Sarah Palin, the former Republican Governor from Alaska (didn’t she just resign in midterm for some obscure reason?), the conservative right wing of the Republican Party, now have a rallying cry: “Death Panel.” To the relief of the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, they now have a way to scuttle all the hard work that has been done up to this point. As they did over the last eight years, they continue to use fear to achieve their agendas. Fear works! Just look at the faces of those protesters on television as they shout down anyone trying to explain the healthcare reform legislation before our congress. They have been scared to death with lies and misinformation and they don’t want a discussion. They want reform stopped dead in its tracks.” Keep things just the way they are” seems to be their message.

So where is this fear coming from and what lies are being spread to generate such uncivil reaction to something that should be welcomed by all Americans…healthcare reform? The top five lies are these:

1)President Obama wants to euthanize your grandma by using a “Death Panel.”

Truth: There is no “Death Panel” in the bill, but there is a provision, supported by the AARP and the AMA, to offer senior citizens access to a professional medical counselor who will provide information on preparing a living will and other issues facing older Americans. This counseling service is voluntary, not mandatory. Nobody is going to kill grandma, but individuals will have help with options and information so THEY can make their own decisions on care.

2)Democrats are going to outlaw private insurance and force you into a government plan.

Truth: Obama’s plan will create a ”Heath Insurance Exchange” that will create a one-stop marketplace for affordable, high-quality insurance options. One of those options will be a “Public Health Insurance Option” that will offer a nationwide plan with a broad network of providers. It will compete right alongside private insurance companies introducing competition into the market place driving up quality and driving down costs. If you are happy with your existing coverage and doctor, you can keep them, but the Public Option will offer expanded choices to millions of small businesses and individuals that simply cannot afford healthcare now. Coverage will no longer be denied because you get sick, lose your job or transfer jobs or have a preexisting condition.

3)President Obama wants to implement Soviet-style rationing.

Truth: Right now large corporations decide what coverage you may have, what doctors you can see and whether a particular procedure or medicine is covered. If that is not rationed care…what is? Healthcare reform will give families and businesses more choices for coverage and expand access to high quality healthcare.

4)Obama is secretly plotting to cut senior citizens’ Medicare benefits.

Truth: There will be cost savings coming from Medicare, but it will be coming from cutting billions of dollars in over payments to insurance companies and eliminating waste , fraud and abuse, all things unrelated to patient care.

5)Obama’s healthcare plan will bankrupt America.

Truth: Obama’s reform plans would be fully paid for over the next 10 years and not add a penny to the deficit. He has vowed to veto any plan that would increase the deficit. If we do nothing, spiraling insurance costs are projected to raise the average family premium to over $22,000/yr in the next decade. Each year nearly a million people face bankruptcy because of medical expenses.

If you want more information, check out this website:

Much of the shouting has been about “President Obama’s Healthcare Reform Plan” when in reality the plan is being hammered out and designed by Congress. You know, those guys we send to Washington to represent us. President Obama has given Congress these guidelines for healthcare reform:

• Reduce long-term growth of health care costs for businesses and government
• Protect families from bankruptcy or debt because of health care costs
• Guarantee choice of doctors and health plans
• Invest in prevention and wellness
• Improve patient safety and quality of care
• Assure affordable, quality health coverage for all Americans
• Maintain coverage when you change or lose your job
• End barriers to coverage for people with pre-existing medical conditions

Let’s see what our elected leaders bring President Obama for his signature. Will it get watered down to appease the insurance and pharmaceutical industries and other special interest groups or will it be the true healthcare reform this country needs? Will the fear mongers, hoping to discredit and depose this administration for their own partisan reasons, prevail? Is that what America deserves?

I suggest that We the People are better than the shouting, pushing, disruptive groups we now see on our TV screens at these town hall meetings. We deserve healthcare reform. Why should we continue with the most costly healthcare system in the world with one of the worst outcomes? What does the rest of the world know that we just don’t seem to get? We have the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all Americans, not just the privileged few. Will we hold our leaders to the task? Will we make it through the politics of fear?

Food for THOUGHT…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job addressing this issue, have you posted this on other sites?