Saturday, September 5, 2009

Texas, Gotta Love Us!

"We’re hearing from parents and grandparents that are not very happy. They really feel like it is political indoctrination," said Stephanie Klick, Tarrant County Republican Party chairwoman. "People don’t like this. I have heard from some families that are planning to keep their kids home."

– Star-Telegram, Ft. Worth, Texas 9/2/09

There is a ruckus in Texas that has parents of school children in some north Texas school districts up in arms. What could possibly drive these parents to threaten to pull their kids out of school? Are the schools planning to pass out Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book? Are the teachers reading from the Quran and asking students to recite their favorite passages? Are they openly discussing sex? What’s all the hub bub? Why are they so hot under the collar? It must be something pretty outrageous!

Well… it is outrageous. The President of the United States of America wants to address the students of this great nation. And what does he want to talk about? He wants to talk about the importance of education and staying school. Oh, the horror of it all! The audacity! To make matters worse, he wants to do this on the Internet via live streaming video, something very familiar to today’s youth. How dare he use this modern technology to talk to students! I just have this vision of parents, teachers and school superintendents rushing out to Radio Shack and Best Buy and Office Depot trying to purchase V-chips and programs to block internet content on the school computers lest the impressionable minds of Texas students be corrupted by…the President.

According to Arne Duncan, the President’s Secretary of Education, President Obama wants to address the students of America about “a shared responsibility and commitment on the part of students, parents and educators to ensure that every child in every school receives the best education possible so they can compete in the global economy for good jobs and live rewarding and productive lives as American citizens," Plug your ears Texas students and shout as loud as you can, “I can’t hear you!” How dare the President of the United States of America attempt such a blatant indoctrination of our youth! This is Texas.

• Texas is #49 in verbal SAT scores in the nation (493) and #46 in average math SAT scores (502).
• Texas is #36 in the nation in high school graduation rates (68%).

-from Texas State Comptroller, Susan Combs at website:

Well, our ever popular, conservative Governor Rick Perry, who’s running for another term, is talking about Texas seceding from the Union. Yes, you heard me right.

AUSTIN, Texas -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry fired up an anti-tax "tea party" Wednesday with his stance against the federal government and for states' rights as some in his U.S. flag-waving audience shouted, "Secede!" …
Perry called his supporters patriots. Later, answering news reporters' questions, Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that…
“But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."…

-from Associated Press 4/15/09

So God love our ever popular Governor Perry. If he ever gets off the fence and gets his act together, we might just secede in time to stop the President from filling our students with a lot of nonsense about the importance of education in America. We can only hope.

Food for THOUGHT…

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