Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Is it Just Me?

That’s the question I’ve been asking a lot lately. I keep waiting for progressives, like me, to mobilize and beat on Washington’s door and say enough is enough! Stop trying to kill each other and get things done! This chasm between liberal and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats continues to widen and deepen. The rhetoric gets louder and more hostile. Lies and platitudes are being thrown around with abandon. We don’t know who to trust anymore. The news media are now owned by large corporations and filled with talking partisan heads. Both sides wrap themselves in the flag and claim to be about the “People’s Business,” but nothing gets done. Gridlock, hate, lies and promises are all they produce.

So many of us wanted change, but we got more of the same old crap that has been destroying our country and our nation’s very character. I’m watching America dividing into different camps and preparing for war at a time when we should be coming together for our common good. We should be rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure including roads, bridges and schools and putting Americans back to work. We should be building solar panels and wind turbines and driving electric cars. We should be figuring out ways to keep people in their homes and regulate banks and insurance companies. We should have affordable healthcare for everyone and schools that can not only compete but lead the rest of the world. We should be repairing and protecting our environment and figuring out ways to reduce our carbon footprint on this planet. We should be spreading peace and good will around the world and exploring the promise of Space.

I mean have I lost it? Are Americans no longer capable of innovation, leadership and noble action? Are we doomed to fall into an… uncivil war of words and political gridlock? Are we doomed to be subjugated by our large multi-national corporations and banks and a handful of power brokers that control our money, our elections and our news media? Have we given away our precious votes to ideologues and bogus theologians? Have we given away our country’s heart and soul?

Is it just me?

Food for THOUGHT…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "Pooper" is a very funny piece. Very cool.