Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Drill, Baby, Drill!

You got to love our Governor Rick Perry from the great State of Texas when he says the massive BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could possibly be an “act of God.” This is the same Governor Perry who seemed to support a bunch of “yahoos” a few months ago calling for the secession of Texas from the union. He was the same governor who turned down federal stimulus money for Texas schools, even though Texas ranks near the bottom of all the states in education. Alaska, I believe, was the other state to turn down the federal funding. Our Governor Rick Perry was also the guy who was going to bring toll roads to Texas and hand them over to a private company in Spain. When it comes to deal making the governor is real slick.

Now there are some who say our governor is a “big sissy” for using a laser guided pistol to shoot a coyote during an evening stroll a few days ago, but he explained that he needed the gun to shoot “rattlers” when he goes out for his walks. Well that’s different then, isn’t it? And don’t forget another governor from the great state of Alaska used to hunt wolves from airplanes. Now wolves and coyotes may not be quite the same, but both governors like to shoot things, so there you go!

It would be the perfect ticket when our Governor Perry “throws his hat into the Presidential ring” come 2012: Perry and Palin. Their battle cry can be, “Drill, Baby, Drill!” They both love to drill things that destroy nature, shoot wildlife, say they are going to secede from the United States, turn down much needed funding from Uncle Sam and blame God for manmade disasters. There is nothing “sissy” about that. That takes balls.

If you thought George W. was a hoot… wait until this Texan governor comes to Washington. Gee, I can hardly wait.

Food for THOUGHT…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let's drill less baby, drill less.