Thursday, December 15, 2011

An American Vision

Here we are again…another deadline to avert a financial crisis. America is about to run out of money… once again. Hostages are being taken and a Washington “pissing contest” is under way. The first to blink loses and neither side is prepared to blink so the standoff and gridlock continues and continues and continues!

Why don’t those damn Democrats just give in and go along with the Republican Vision for America?

The vision goes something like this: Smaller government and free enterprise! Cut wasteful spending and do away with costly environmental regulations that only get in the way. Let the free market reign. Let trickle-down economics take care of those less fortunate Americans or let the churches and faith based organizations take care of the sick and the poor. Gays should just get right with the Lord and start being straight. They should find a good person of the opposite sex and get married for God’s sake. Illegal aliens should all just go back to where they came from and stop taking our jobs, all 12 million of you. All the lazy, single moms collecting welfare and creating babies and their shiftless young men with no education and no future should just take a bath and get a job, by God! The elderly, the sick and the poor should just keep working and stop being such a drag on the American economy. The working poor should just get better jobs and stop complaining, at least they have jobs. Better yet, why don’t they just save up their money and go back to school or learn a new trade, but don’t count on the government to help you with grants or scholarships because that’s just more wasteful government spending that needs to be cut like Social Security and Medicare.

People of America pull yourselves up by your own boot straps! Get a job and stop complaining! You are not entitled to anything, unless you are among the wealthy. If you are wealthy, you deserve to keep what you earned through your hard work and investments. The wealthy are the job creators and should be revered in this society. Conversely, unions are greedy, worthless institutions that only get in the way of free enterprise. Their demise in this country would be of no consequence.

Long live the military industrial complex! As long as there are wars, America will have jobs for soldiers and munitions factories, the backbone of our economy. And, oh yes…God Bless the United States of America. You are either with us or against us. You are either a patriot or a terrorist and we get to decide.

Damn Democrats! They tax the wealthy and spend their money on the 99% of this country that don’t matter. Tax and spend! Tax and spend! Take the pledge now fellow job creators and gird your loins for the liberals are coming for you!

Visions are funny things. Sometimes in the light of day…they make no sense and we see them for what they are.

Food for THOUGHT…

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