Saturday, January 19, 2013

The 2nd Amendment

Text of the 2nd Amendment:  A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The 2nd Amendment was ratified on December 17, 1791 along with the other nine amendments that make up the Bill of Rights. This amendment to our Constitution has sparked deep controversy among Americans as to what it means. What rights “shall not be infringed?” The NRA (National Rifle Association) would have us believe that there should be no restrictions, no control of any kind on weapons in America and there lies the problem…little or no gun control.

Many believe that any type of gun control would ultimately lead us down the “slippery slope” to the Government (Big “G”) confiscating all weapons from American citizens and thus leaving us vulnerable to oppression.  That’s the really big fear that’s been floating around since I suppose this country was founded.  I hear things like “What are you going to do when Obama takes all of our guns away?” The NRA says it will fight Obama “tooth and nail” and some are talking about another civil war as crazy as it seems. Yes there is real FEAR in the air.

Amid all of this fear over guns being taken away, America has endured far too many mass shootings at the hands of lunatics with access to military assault weapons using mega clips of ammunition. Presidents, congressmen, high school and college students, theater goers and finally a bunch of innocent grade school kids have all been laid waste to gun violence and yet voices shout out to do nothing. Pass no laws! Pass no restrictions of any kind! Protect the 2nd Amendment at all costs even if Americans can no longer feel safe on their neighborhood streets, in shopping malls, churches, movie theaters and even their own homes.

Our Congress cowers in fear of NRA threats. Any congressman or senator foolish enough to stand up and support any sort of common sense gun control legislation would surely find that funding for their next election would disappear. So they fall in line and reaffirm their support of the NRA to remain in its good graces. The NRA says the solution to all this gun violence is…more guns. Arm our school teachers!? Really? Allow college students to carry guns on campus? If everyone is armed the bad guys will think twice. And so it goes, a congress that cowers when our President, teachers, police departments, big city mayors, parents and everyday American citizens are calling out for action, reasonable, sensible…action.  National polls show that even a majority of NRA members favor at least background checks on all gun sales and yet the leadership of the NRA organization says no way.

The gun manufacturers are the only ones making out like bandits during all the controversy over gun control. You see, with all the fear being stirred up by the NRA and others…business is booming. Order your assault weapons and mega clips before they get taken away, before they are banned! Reports are that they cannot keep up with the orders. As fear grows, so does their business. The gun manufacturers are the ultimate job creators… for the funeral industry that is. Their lobbyists in Washington make sure Congress “plays ball.” That’s why we have not had a Director of the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) in 6 years. The Senate GOP refuses to confirm anyone. They block any confirmation! The ATF, the agency charged with regulating guns in this country, has been gutted thanks to legislation snuck into a bill back in 2006.  Some 40 % of all gun sales goes unchecked, unregulated. Due to cutbacks in funding by Congress there are even less ATF agents today to do what little they can still do by law.

The President and the Vice President have put together a list of common sense reforms starting with universal background checks on all gun sales. Some of these changes can be enacted by President Obama’s executive order, but most of the important, meaningful changes MUST be passed by our Congress. It remains to be seen if America will have a government of the people, by the people and for the people…or one by and for the NRA , gun manufactures and big money.

I support the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution, especially the part about a “well regulated militia.” Let’s face it, no government in its right mind (including ours) would attempt to take away guns from such a well armed citizenry, but we need to do things to make it safer in our society and reduce gun violence now. Right now.

It’s time Congress got some balls.

Food for THOUGHT…

1 comment:

Elden P. Laffoon, Sr. said...

Steven Old Friend,
When I saw you post you supported the 2nd. Amendment, I about fell out of my chair! You will now be hunted and condemned by your fellow "Progressives"! But never fear, I'll grab my trusty AR-15 with 30-round mag and hurry down there to protect you! ;)
Seriously, I maintain it is NOT a matter of "gun control", it's a matter of "people control". Over the last several decades, mental health facilities have been closed, allowing all forms of mentally ill to wonder aimlessly in our communities unsupervised and treated. These and the hard-core criminals are the real threats to a peaceful society, not inanimate objects that cannot harm anyone until made to do so by a "human". Look, Steve, having been a police officer (both local and federal), I can attest to the fact that if guns are banned, criminals WILL still get them to use against the good, disarmed population! That is why the majority of police are against "gun control", we know for a FACT that it doesn't work! Now get the mentally ill and criminals off of our streets and, YES, it you will begin to see a marked downward spiral of violent crime! And one more thing, there is GREAT truth to the saying that "An Armed Society IS a Polite Society"! Responsible citizens, properly screened, trained and licensed to carry concealed has been shown to work successfully in several states! It keeps the criminals afraid they might attack an armed potential victim, so they refrain until a vulnerable target is acquired. If you "progressives" REALLY want to do some good, talk to your representatives about what I've pointed out here. Who knows, you just might find Republicans joining your chorus!