Monday, October 15, 2007

The Hand of Fate

Even though it was an Inconvenient Truth, one man (who lost the presidency even though he actually won the election), wins the Nobel Peace Prize and an Academy Award all in one year. How amazing is that?

The other man (who lost the election, but gained the presidency) misled us into a quagmire war, alienated half the world, including most of our allies, destroyed our nation’s reputation and bankrupted the country. How unfortunate is that?

Fate gave us two men, one seeking to enlighten the world and the other...well, let history write his final chapter. We can only wonder where our nation would be if fate had not handed the presidency to George W. Bush. Assuming 9/11 would have happened to both men as president, one has to wonder if we would be fighting two wars and getting ready to start a third in Iran, if the U.S. Supreme Court had chosen Al Gore. We will never know for sure, but I believe it highly unlikely.

Many of the political pundits are now speculating that Gore might or should jump into the presidential race after winning the Nobel Peace Prize. I hope he has sense enough not to run. The Democrats do not need their own version of Fred Thompson to muddy their waters. No, we need Al Gore to stay out of the race and continue to use his power and influence on the issue of global warming. We need a strong leader on this issue. Our survival on this planet may depend on it. Washington has this way of changing men and women with even the best of intentions and the best of ideas. Unlike our congress, Gore might just get something of lasting value accomplished without being bogged down by political compromise.

When I look at the accomplishments of former president Jimmy Carter and former vice president Al Gore since leaving office, I am astonished. I have to wonder what Dick Cheney and George W. Bush could ever possibly accomplish after they are out of office to match what these two men have done for our country and the world at large.

Perhaps Fate dealt Al Gore the better hand after all.



Anonymous said...

You need a history lesson, US history is supposed to be mastered in junior high. Look up "electoral college".

Anonymous said...

To be sucessful in your arena I would strongly suggest to stay out of Politics!!!

Anonymous said...

You're right on Anonymous, you big chicken.

To Steve, whom I consider a friend, please listen to me:
Damn, I was pretty sure that someone would write a nasty comment about my comment. But, Steve, a little advice. It's OK to write about politics and shit like that but you must remember to do it with a smile and a twinkle in your eye and never get defensive. It will raise your blood pressure and damage your health, especially your heart. No one in their right mind gives a shit how Bush won the presidency. One can be disappointed without being outrageous. You and the Democrats and Hillary and Bill will soon have your chance to screw up the country worse than it's ever been screwed up before. Just relax 'til that fateful day arrives and then enjoy the ride. Just be sure to hang onto your wallet because Hillary will wring every penny from it unless I miss my guess. pc