Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Return of Santa?

My wife read an article in the paper yesterday about how Walmart was bowing to pressure from religious groups. They have decided to allow Santa Claus back into their stores this year. Now, where the heck have I been? Santa was banned from Walmart stores...any Christmas time!? I cannot believe that the jolly, old, fat guy who brings all the toys got banned from any place that depends on him to make their bottom line for the year-end. What were those folks at Walmart smoking?

The other thing that struck me was that it was RELIGIOUS leaders that were putting the pressure on Walmart to bring him back. I thought Santa was a pagan figure. Sure, he is well known and beloved by all, but I cannot find him mentioned anywhere in the Bible at the birth of Christ or anywhere else. (Perhaps I missed it.) Shouldn’t these religious folks be pushing stores to have big manger scenes with Baby Jesus and wise men and camels instead of some hairy fat guy in a red suit that steals down your chimney at night while you are asleep?

What is this world coming to?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You ask: What's this world coming to? I answer: Who knows, but vote Hillary in and everything will be solved. Two cars in every garage. Two chickens in every pot. Two women (at least) other than Hillary, in Big Bad Bills bed