Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Years Resolutions

It is that time of year again where we rack our brains to come up with things we resolve to do in the coming year. We always make them with the best of intentions, but somehow, for most of us, they are put on the shelf for a rainy day...and forgotten. Life is funny like that.

Lisa and I have a big clay pot in the shape of an elephant. Every year we write out our intentions, our resolutions, our prayers for the coming year and place them in the elephant. (Hey, an elephant never forgets, right?) Anyway, before we place our new ones in the elephant, we remove the old ones and burn them (unread) releasing them to the cosmos. It does not guarantee a higher success rate, but it makes you think every time you pass by the elephant. So that is our ritual, along with eating black-eyed peas on New Years Day for good luck (Hey, it is a southern thing. What can I say?).

My resolutions for 2008 are not written in stone yet, but they might go something like this...
1) I resolve to continue to fight my diabetes by watching my diet, taking my medicine and walking at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.
2) I resolve to get back on track with my writing projects and get my second book written.
3) I resolve to find the time to paint and find a gallery for my work. Perhaps even a show?
4) I resolve to be a better husband, father, grandfather and brother.
5) I resolve to judge less, be more tolerant and remember that everyone has a story to tell.
6) I resolve to be more positive and to worry less.
7) I resolve to live more and more in the Present and seek to remember...what I already know. (mysterious, I know)
I am sure there are a few others that I will place in our elephant for the New Year, but at least it is a start.

Whatever your New Year traditions, I wish you all a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. May you find what you are looking for and look for what you are finding.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have three cats. I resolve to make three resolutions that I promise to keep. #1 lose ten pounds.#2 stop watching TV #3 stop reading E-mail. I have 132 in my in box right now. I'm gonna delete all of them.I don't know what URL means.