Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Has everyone had enough of the “C word”? All of the candidates both republican and democrat alike are using it to the extreme. They are tripping over each other trying to convince voters that THEY and they alone are the one candidate who can bring change to our country after almost eight years of Bush & Company.

Politicians! I swear, you gotta love ‘em! They promise and they shout...but rarely do they deliver without their own self-interest at heart. I almost think I would vote for the one who stood right up before the cameras and promised that if elected, they would give us MORE of the same ol’ “do-do” and nothing else. At least I could believe in their honesty.

Okay, okay, we know politicians will say anything to get our vote. That is their nature, but rare are ones who have a plan for AFTER they are elected. Even if they do have a plan, they are swallowed up by a political system and special interests that abhor change and live by status quo. It is a system that says, “Not so fast hot shot! What’s in it for ME?” For everything the candidate promised on the campaign trail, the system will demand something in return.

We voted for change in the last congressional election two years ago...and we are still waiting. I know the votes are not there right now and when congress does manage to send bills with real change to President Bush, he vetoes them. They are dead on arrival. He threatens to veto other bills and so it goes...a nation in gridlock. Even if this congress wins more democratic seats in the House and Senate to obtain a clear majority with a new democratic president in the White House, there is no guarantee that gridlock will not set in again or that abuse and excess will not rear their ugly heads. Our political history not only predicts it, but also assures it.

Change can be for the better...or it can be for worse. Instead of change, how about a good mechanic to FIX what is broken in America? God only knows we have many things that need fixing in this country. For starters, how about fixing our foreign policy and reclaiming our image around the world? How about fixing our healthcare system, our education system, our infrastructure, our environment, our energy policy and our economy? How about fixing our borders and our immigration policy, while they are at it? Whoever is elected in November, republican or democrat, will need to be a damn good mechanic...if not a good magician.

Forget change. Pick up a wrench and a hammer, say a prayer and get busy.



Anonymous said...

It is easy to make a comment.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is easy to make a comment if there is a place, a medium, a vehicle through which one can and may make a comment. Do you see what I mean? I've had problems with leaving comments on this blog and it really tears at my soul. Like, I get this inspiration to comment and sometimes I can't find the "comment" line or tag or whatever it's called to click and lay down my comment. And then by the time I email Steve and he tells me to try this or that I've lost my train of thought, the idea that I had, or whatever it was and it just sends a chill through my body. I mean it just totally upsets me and my stomach starts churning and I go into a panic attack. And that's not funny, let me tell you. Those of you who have had a panic attack can attest to that. So Steve, please get your blog straightened out so I won't have to suffer from not having a place, a medium, if you will, where I can express myself. So bye for now. I have to take a valium, lie down, and suck my thumb. Thanks for listening. Bye - Oh, PS What is a URL? Please.