Friday, October 23, 2009

"Balloon Boy" and the Run Away Media

By now, we all know that the runaway balloon with the little boy inside was a hoax. For a while the saucer-shaped balloon became a media event similar to the helicopter chase of O. J. Simpson. (Remember that?) The networks even cut away from a speech by President Obama to go to live coverage of a daring rescue attempt involving two military helicopters and chase vehicles on the ground. The Denver airport was even closed down for a time as the balloon drifted into the flight paths of the planes. It was very exciting theater.

The next day, the major news outlets were tripping over themselves trying to interview the “relieved” dad and his little boy. I remember watching Good Morning America, as I ate my breakfast that morning, and Diane Sawyer immediately went to a live interview of the whole family. The father was now suspect after the little boy seemed to “spill the beans” during an earlier interview with Larry King. Nevertheless Diane pursued the interview with her inane questions of the father and I watched him “tap-dance” trying to feign offense at the suggestion of a hoax. He was holding the little boy close to him during the interview (better to control him?) when the poor kid said he was going to throw up. To her credit, Diane Sawyer finally broke in and asked if the boy shouldn’t be allowed to go to the bathroom. I expected her to cut away at that point and move on to other stories that morning (like perhaps the President’s speech?). Instead, I watched in disbelief as the father let go of his son and told him not to trip over the wires. Diane broke in again and asked if one of the parents shouldn’t go with the boy. At that point, the mother raised her hand and asked if it was okay that she go take care of him. She had been sitting meekly at the other end of the couch next to the other kids who looked like “deer caught in the headlights.” When the mother finally tip-toed off, I thought surely Diane would cut away to other stories, but no. As we were treated to the little boy retching in the background, Diane kept trying to solicit comments from the other kids (who looked scared to death) while the father continued his rambling discourse. It was agonizing and uncomfortable. Finally, the mother and the little boy returned after much off screen retching. Diane welcomed them back and attempted a few more pointless questions before mercifully breaking away. I have never seen Good Morning America spend 20 minutes of airtime on ANY story, let alone such drivel.

What the hell has happened to journalism and the news business and what is considered newsworthy these days? Have we all been taken in? Have we all been duped? Are we all being lulled to sleep while the rest of the world falls apart? Am I wrong to think that there are more important things to know about? We have pressing issues of healthcare reform, global warming, education and economic recovery to discuss and we spend 20 minutes listening to this publicity hound babble on while his son throws up.

In my lifetime, I have witnessed the death of independent news and integrity. It seems to have been replaced by the rise of corporate media productions with agendas. The news is delivered as entertainment in slick sound bites sandwiched between ads for prescription drugs and Depends undergarments. Our once trusted, stalwart newspapers are dying in this new world of I-pods and online news. Bloggers and paparazzi have replaced journalists and investigative reporters. I suggest that our “Fourth Estate” has been hijacked and manipulated to the point that I don’t know who to trust for accurate, comprehensive and fair news of the day. Where do I go to get unbiased and complete information on things I need to know in a world that reveres FOX News and the likes of Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck?

Where is Walter Cronkite when we need him?

Food for THOUGHT...


Unknown said...

Steve, the only news outlet that broadcasts fair and honest news is Fox News. Even the liberal news journalists have castigated Obama for trying to destroy Fox. They know if he is willing to eliminate Fox then he could decide to eliminate any of them if they write something that he does not like. Hooray for democracy. Peterpaul

Anonymous said...

Steve, be careful what you wish for, as you just might get it.