Saturday, October 3, 2009

Flu Shots

Fall has finally arrived and the push is on to get our flu shot… or shots? In past years, we were told to get one shot, a seasonal flu shot. It covered a combination of all the likely strains of flu that season. But this year, we are being told we may need three separate shots. So what is going on?

With the outbreak of Swine Flu (or the H1N1 Virus) this spring, our government and vaccine manufacturers have been busy preparing enough vaccine for the expected outbreak again this fall. Some researchers say that we will need two shots about three weeks apart and others say that one shot only may be just as effective. I’m glad medical science has that settled. I feel better now. Wasn’t it just a year ago that the medical community was worried about the Bird Flu Pandemic?

It seems like medical science is looking for “the big one” just like California is waiting for the big earthquake that will create beachfront property out of western Nevada. I find it interesting that man still believes that science and technology can outsmart Mother Nature, that scientist can figure out just when an average every day virus will mutate and become lethal. What are the odds we can stop it? If we do create just the right vaccine, what are the odds that we can produce enough vaccine for every man woman and child in time?

Still, I get my flu shot(s) every year, like a good little soldier, just on the off chance that it will protect me. Perhaps one day science will develop a shot that will protect us from…stupid politicians.

Food for THOUGHT…

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