Wednesday, March 31, 2010

God Says

God was being interviewed by a Fox News reporter when the angel Gabriel and St. Peter interrupted Him. There was a problem. It was Dorothy’s time to go Home, but she didn’t want to leave. He excused himself from the interview and went to speak to Dorothy.

God: Dorothy, it is your time. Don’t you want to leave?

Dorothy: What about my friends and my family? They will miss me.

God: You have even more friends and family waiting for you on the other side. They have been missing you too.

Dorothy: But I have so much to do. There is so much I left undone in my life. I hate to leave my life incomplete. I never went skydiving. I never climbed a mountain. I never wrote that novel. I never did that one great thing that would define my life, make me be remembered.

God: Why do you think you won’t get another chance to do all those things and more?
Dorothy: You mean I get to come back? I get a do-over?

God: How many would you like?

Dorothy: Don’t we just get one shot at life? Aren’t we judged on what we do or don’t do in this life? What if I haven’t done enough? Will I go to Hell and burn for eternity?

God: Is that what you think? Is that what you believe, Dorothy?

Dorothy: Well, no. I guess not. I certainly hope not. But I was taught to believe that…

God: Dorothy, you have forgotten what you already know. Close your eyes and remember your birth. You knew then, but you were a baby and you couldn’t tell anyone. In time, what you knew faded.

Dorothy: (Beginning to cry.) Yes. I forgot, didn’t I? Everything is so clear now. Thank you Lord, for reminding me. I have done everything I intended to do in this life. But there is more, isn’t there?

God: Yes there is and you will be back one day. There is no real end, only beginnings and learning and growing. Now isn’t that better than burning in torment forever with no hope of salvation?

Dorothy: But why do we forget each time?

God: You won’t always. There will come a time when you will remember and you will become the Teacher like others before you.

Dorothy: I’m ready to go now, I guess, but the world is such a mess. There is so much hatred and fear, mostly fear. I tried to love more this time, but fear got to me too many times, I think.

God: You did what you could do. You’ll have more chances and more chances after that. Remember?

Dorothy: Of course.

God: Go in Peace that surpasses all understanding my little one. The world will always need you. So many have forgotten what they already know in their heart of hearts. They listen to fear and forget that Love trumps anything that fear can produce. Remember fear is only an illusion. Love is the only reality there is.

Dorothy: I love you, Lord.

God: I love you, too, Dorothy. See you next time. Give my blessings to your family and friends! They are waiting for you.

Food for THOUGHT…

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