Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where was the Outrage?

I find it very bazaar that we have such hate and vitriolics over the just passed Healthcare Bill. It was one step meant to help and protect millions of Americans. One party and one President has become so vilified in the press over one issue. Washington has ground to a halt as the opposition party obstructs everything…Obama… and the party in power runs for cover or joins the other side.

Civil, thoughtful and respectful debate has given way to shouting, threats and acts of violence and assault by people who take great stock in calling themselves patriots and people of faith. Our own congressmen shout down fellow congressmen and even the President with “Liar!” and “Baby Killer.” Talk of “death panels” and “pulling the plug on Grandma” passed around like popcorn hoping to scare the crap out of voters and legislators. Congressmen were spit upon and racial and homophobic slurs were shouted as they went to vote on the bill. Even the office windows of some Democratic congressmen were smashed in the night.

Now that the bill has been signed into law, there is talk of law suits and even more obstruction and civil action. Protesters are on TV waiving signs that portray our President as a socialist and even a Nazi. I can’t stand to watch the news anymore for all the ignorance and violence I see and hear. It’s like a little child throwing a temper tantrum over not getting its way.

So I’m wondering where was the outrage when President Bush took us to war in Iraq under false pretenses? Where was the outrage when Cheney, Bush and the Neocons pushed through the Patriot Act that took a whole bunch of our civil rights away with one stroke of a pen? Where were the Tea-partiers when American phones and e-mails were being tapped and libraries under surveillance without court orders? Why weren’t they in the streets with their signs and slogans threatening to secede from the Union back then?

For 8 years this country lived under the control of the conservative fear mongers, the Rush Limbaughs, the Ann Coulters and the Bill O’Reillys. For 8 years our schools got worse, our infrastructure crumbled, our healthcare system fell apart and Wall Street got fat and greedy. For 8 years no one was minding the store. We just kept pumping billions of our tax dollars into two wars halfway around the world. We went from a surplus under Clinton to a mountainous deficit and growing…

So we had an election. People voted for change just as the past 8 years all came tumbling down like a house of cards. People wanted things to get done HERE AT HOME. They were tired of being the bad guys and disrespected and hated around the world. They wanted things to get fixed, TO GET DONE! A black man stepped up to the plate with a shovel and with the courage to at least try and yet he gets ripped from head to toe with outrage. I’ve never seen so much outrage now that there is a new party in power, a new manager with new ideas and the audacity of HOPE.

So where was the outrage over the last 8 years? Where was the outrage over 8 years of waste in lives and billions of dollars? Where was the outrage over the loss of our civil liberties and a true big government takeover of our lives? Where was the outrage over the FEAR we were sold like a bill of goods over the last 8 years?

Why does the one man who is trying to change the status quo, fix the mess, make things better get painted as the bad guy, the evil villain? Who are these talking heads that keep telling us THEY speak for me and all Americans against our President?

Food for THOUGHT…

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