Tuesday, March 15, 2011

2012 What is Next?

The ancient Mayan calendar ends in the year 2012, for no apparent reason, leading some to prophesize the end of the World.

Since the beginning of the New Millennium, we have witnessed our share of disaster, including a shocking attack on our country, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, a near collapse of the global economy, an oil spill in the Gulf and now a record earthquake and tsunami that has devastated Japan and led to an unprecedented nuclear crisis. Some experts say that if there is a major breach from the damaged Japanese reactors, deadly radiation could reach our Pacific coast in 6 to 12 days and travel on the winds to the rest of the world. It is easy to imagine why some would fear that the end of the world, or at least the end of the world as we humans know it, is near.

In the midst of all these natural and man-made disasters, we have dealt with the cost in both lives and money of two long wars springing from our War on Terror. We have endured a financial meltdown that this country has not seen since the Great Depression. The loss of jobs and the foreclosure of homes from this crisis and now the rising cost of gasoline have just about put the average American on the ropes emotionally and financially. To top it all off, are the political battles between liberal and conservative factions of this nation, not seen since the U. S. Civil War. The political climate has led to gridlock and stalemate in Washington and around the country at a time when we desperately need to cooperate and get things done.

I want so badly to turn off the news and just say, “That’s it. I’ve had it. No more.” But the ebb and flow of the news is always there and I have to somehow survive the onslaught of words, problems and threats and deal with it all. If a lethal wave of radiation does not kill me in the weeks to follow, I’ll surely have to deal with the idiots in Washington still battling it out over budget cuts to schools, Medicaid, same sex marriage and giving the richest bastards in the world tax breaks.

I invite you to join me in a prayer for our country, Japan and the world:


May the White Light of Universal love and protection once again envelope this tiny green planet and sooth this Mother Earth and its inhabitants. May we come to REMEMBER that we are all connected to each other and that we are stewards, not owners and exploiters. May we REMEMBER that what we do to the least of our fellow beings and this planet that sustains us…we do to ourselves.


One final thought. Mankind may indeed have come to a crossroads. One way will send us to our doom, proving the Mayan calendar true. But the other way, may just lead to a whole new life, a new human existence, a leap forward in our evolution. There are souls already here that are waiting to take us into a future that we can only imagine. (Read up on the Indigo Children.) Somehow, I’d like to think that God is not through with us yet. (A little pissed off perhaps, a little tired…yes) but He may just have some plans for us, some Great Plans! I may want to stick around to see what happens.

Food for THOUGHT…

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